Main Street’s mission is to maintain, enhance, and promote the downtown as the heart of our community. Downtown is the heart of the community and the center for government, arts, churches, and financial institutions. Downtown is an important community space where members of all segments of the community can meet equally for parades, speeches, and other community events. Downtown can be a tourist attraction and is the location of a community’s unique businesses and buildings. Main Street Murfreesboro epitomizes the “Richness of Rutherford” and is a key stakeholder in creating Murfreesboro’s unique sense of place.
For the past thirty-five years, Main Street has been instrumental in decisions that affect the downtown district. From spearheading burying utilities, repairing sidewalks, creating cross-walks, landscaping, beautification, and street lighting to organizing free events such as, Friday Night Live concerts, Saturday Market, and the Christmas tree lighting Main Street has been a leader in the revitalization of our historic downtown.
In fact, much about downtown would be different, less charming, less picturesque, and less vibrant without the efforts of Main Street Murfreesboro.
What many don’t realize is that Main Street Murfreesboro is a nonprofit organization, relying on public and private donations for operations and projects. Main Street receives no funding from state or federal programs. Without the generosity of our community and the zeal of our volunteers, Main Street would disappear.
Enhance the physical appearance of the historic commercial district, giving attention to street fronts, street furniture, landscaping, signs, and parking. Encourage sensitive new construction, adaptive reuse of historic buildings, and the inclusion of historic preservation practices in city planning.
Strengthen the existing economic base of the historic commercial district while identifying opportunities for new businesses to locate within the district. Find new uses for historic commercial buildings and stimulate investment in property.
Create lasting partnerships and develop a broad consensus among the public sector, private sector, civic groups, and individuals that will secure a prosperous future for the historic commercial district.
Market the assets of downtown Murfreesboro to residents and visitors. Organize special events, retail promotions, and image campaigns to increase foot traffic in the downtown area.
Main Street is committed to maintaining, enhancing, and promoting the historic downtown as the heart of our community. Main Street capitalizes on the unique character of the courthouse square and the surrounding business district with the goal of transforming it into the cultural, social, professional, and retail center of Rutherford County.
People consider shopping downtown as “experience shopping,” interacting with fellow shoppers and merchants, and supporting community retailers. There’s a connection between customers and the entrepreneurial spirit of downtown businesses, which reflects the character of our community through their unique products, services, and atmosphere. Located in historic buildings, these merchants preserve an authentic sense of place.
As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Main Street Murfreesboro is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities that share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by Main Street America.
The 2021 Main Street Murfreesboro Annual Report
Like so many organizations we bounced back from 2020 with the hope and optimism of turning the tide on the pandemic and bringing back many of the key events that our community relies on, and I am happy to say we delivered.
Please click here to read our 2021 Annual Report.
Please click here to read our 2022 Annual Report.
Please click here to read our 2023 Annual Report.