J. David Hoover Memories
I grew up primarily at my maternal grandparents home on N. Church St. Born in the mid 50’s the Public Square and downtown was almost like my backyard. Whether collecting RC bottle caps for a Saturday matinee at the Princess Theatre (and acting right to avoid my great uncle Blue David from tossing me out), or using the phone at Stickney & Griffis, my mother talking me to see my great aunt who worked at J. C. Penny’s for new school shoes, while I’m insisting on Levi’s from Fisher’s, listening to the wood floors creak as you take the L shape tour of McLellan’s from the Square and exiting on N. Maple St, I did it all. Riding the escalator in Goldsteins, sneaking up to the Court House cupola (yeah did that too), attending school at Crichlow, trying out for basketball at Cox Memorial, devouring egg salad and pimento cheese sandwiches at Moody Drug Store, the occasional meal at Don’s Kitchen Corner, family style meals at Mrs. Church’s on N. Maple St. Riding my bike by Hoover Paint Store and thinking my grandfather started that business. Trying to slip into Past Time Pool, eating way too many yeast rolls at City Cafe……so many wonderful memories. - J.David Hoover
Princess Theatre in its prime
My great uncle Dorris “Blue” David worked his whole career at the Princess Theatre on College St. He is seen here looking at the camera while entering the theatre.
J. C. Penny's Grand Opening Downtown Murfreesboro
Blue’s sister, my great aunt Louise David (she never married) worked at J. C. Penny's downtown. This photo is from a grand opening where the actual J. C. Penny was in attendance. I cannot find my aunt in the pic but I do see Mrs.Evelyn Baltimore (still living) far left and Miss Evelyn Sims (deceased) 2nd from left. Unsure of date. Possibly when they moved the store location to the corner of N. Maple & E. College, where the former Haynes Hotel sat.
Crichlow Grammer School and Cox Memorial Gym
The school was open from 1922-1968, located at 400 North Maple Street, which once occupied the entire block. Across the street from the present MTEMC building. Cox Memorial Gym was razed in 1999 for the new Rutherford County Health Department.
"These are pictures from around 1955. My wife’s (Kathy Buckner Hoover) father was the General Sessions Judge for Rutherford Co in the 1960’s and remained so until around 2000. The old judicial building on the north side of the square has his name on the plaque, Judge James W. Buckner. In the 1950’s he was practicing law with his father, former state rep. George Buckner and they had an office upstairs of the Murfreesboro Federal Savings & Loan on College St. These pics were made in that general area." - J. David Hoover
Photos owned by J. David Hoover Photocopies are prohibited. Permission granted to Main Street Murfreesboro
Photos owned by J. David Hoover Photocopies are prohibited. Permission granted to Main Street Murfreesboro
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